
Monday, December 15, 2008

Narcotics and Painkillers

Narcotics and Painkillers, a broad field and includes several prescription drugs such as OxyContin, Vicodin, Lortab, Darvon, Percodan, Fentanyl, Talwin, and Lomotil. Other names to watch out for include common codeine or sleep medications such as Ambien. They are readily available on the street or may be stolen from your own medicine cabinet. Most commonly, these drugs come in a pill or capsule form. They may be powdered if the pills are crushed.

Common symptoms of painkiller use include a feeling of euphoria, confusion, an inability to walk without stumbling, forgetfulness, drowsiness or lethargy. Serious side effects include respiratory distress, unconsciousness or even a coma. It is also very easy to overdose on these drugs, since a resistance is built-up over time, necessitating the user needing more to achieve their "high."

Clinical Symptoms are nausea, constipation, light headedness, mood swings and a rash. Over time, some males may develop an enlarged prostate and may become infertile.
