
Monday, December 15, 2008


Tranquilizers such as Valium, Librium, Serax, Miltown, Equanil, Miltown, and Tranxene can easily be abused and unfortunately, they are very easy to come by. They commonly come as pills or tablets and share many side effects with barbiturates.

Slurred speech or uncoordinated movements are common. Sleepiness, lethargy, and an inability to correctly perceive events may also occur. Tranquilizers stay in your body for a long period of time, leading to a build-up of the drug in your system. This creates a resistance, which leads to the use of more pills to reach the desired effect. Overdosing is very common and unfortunately, very easy.

Clinical Symptoms are extreme relaxation, reduction in heart rate, drowsiness, slurred speech and clumsiness.
